i am sure you want to know what a crazy girl, namely me, is doing with this whole thing right?! alright. i am a twenty something girl who lives in utah, married to my knight in some kind of armor and we have a cute frenchie aka 'my child'. boring i know. i grew up in a "NPAF" non physical activity family, meaning we could do sports etc if we wanted, but were never forced nor encouraged. i danced my heart out until knee surgery sidelined me in 2001. i also, like most every girl in america, compare myself to those around me. in my teens it led to some seriously destructiveness, namely anorexia.
fast forward to the present. i decided anorexia was lame and punched it in the face. i have been living the college food lifestyle for way to long now {like 6+ years}, and between work and family lets just say i added a few lbs to the scale. i decided that being a bump on a log wasn't an option for me so it was up off the couch and to the gym for me.
this is my journey through eating and exercising. nothing remotely exciting. sorry.