
.. a small soap box, if you don't mind ..

alright so i just have to get up on my soap box for just a few. i promise it won't be long, okay or it might but i have to just get this out there. 

today i went to the gas station to pick up a Gatorade. i was just in the mood for one and the gas station was close. it was like 7:45am. i pulled up and was walking to the door, when i saw it. a kid, she had to been like 7 or 8 come out of the gas station with her mom both of them carrying a huge like 44 ounce soda. um it isn't even 8 am and no kid should be drinking that much soda, ever. 

so here is the soap box part, deal with it or leave the page. your choice.

why do parents think that soda is even acceptable, or for that matter that much and so early in the morning? i mean i didn't grow up in a great healthy house, but soda was a weekend or vacation treat that we only got once a week on Saturdays or on vacations. we never had more than one, and it was always 20 ounces or less. none of us grew into childhood obesity, thank heavens. but there are hundreds upon hundreds of kids that are struggling with obesity and they are all so young. that is not something a child should have to deal with, EVER. i kind of am appalled at our society. everyone is on their little high horse about how we have to stop childhood obesity, McDonald's added milk and apples to the menu, they took out most of the soda vending machines in the high schools and offer more healthy options and then we have parents that let their kids drink soda at 8am and then others who let their kids stuff their faces with whatever they want whenever they want instead of allowing their body to tell them when they are full and done eating.  

so America, if you are wanting a healthy generation lets start now. stop feeding your kids oodles of sugars and allowing them 44 ounce sodas, make them do a physical activity - it doesn't kill them or hurt them, and start leading a good example for your future. and for crying out loud don't depend on the world to make better processed foods or offer milk and apples at a fast food place. just don't take them there in the first place. any homemade meal beats out fast food in the health department and besides, it just teaches bad habits. 

that is all

the end. 


.. the day after wednesday, ugh ..

it is finally Thursday, that means only one more day and it is the weekend. phew. this week i feel is taking forever, last week flew by. I need help or a good balance sometime soon. 

this morning i woke up earlier than i had all week. points for me! i woke up freezing cold, like normal and with a sore throat and blood in my mouth. this i fear is not a good combination. but i will live. i deal with extreme allergies, and i ate some no no food last night (hot dog bun) and it made me break out a bit, and i fear it made it's way into my throat and made it really irritated and eventually started to bleed a tad. great scare first thing in the morning while brushing you teeth! i got ready for work and took care of the pups, he was anxious to get up this morning. after i got him up i left for work. i got in and checked my billion emails and then just started reading blogs and what nots. i caught up on reading on the Anthony case, have you heard about all this? it is kind of nuts! i worked until lunch and went home, my normal to share it with the pup. we hung out on the patio while i was home, since i was freezing from the office. it is ALWAYS a ice box here. kills me. after lunch i regrettably left to go back to work. i survived the last few hours, but only barely. after that i went home and got ready for gym time. tonight is a trainer night. 

here is the workout..

after the workout i went home and had dinner with the fam. the hub and i just vegged for a bit and then called it a night. I read as usual and then passed out, my new norm.


2 slices of toast



until tomorrow, in which we can start our mini party for the weekend!


.. the hump ..

we made it to hump day. congrats, the week is half over. 

well, my back feels better today i guess the muscle relaxant did its job. yahoo. that and i laid on my other side facing the pup so he couldn't have the kentucky derby in my back. thank heavens for that one. today was any other day, i got up around 6:45 and showered and got ready for the day. i got to work and checked my email. can you believe i had 18 messages from 7-8? what?! i know huh, so after i caught up on that stuff i had approval samples to do, just look at samples that come in from vendors check them for color and what not and then make my notes on them and send that off. after that we had critique. i don't mind them some days but today it seemed to take forever, and my back started to ache and i just didn't want to do it. blah. after that i went back to solving world hunger, namely fighting with a printer that must be seriously retarded. after this junk and catching up on more emails it was time for lunch. i hurried home and spent my 30 minutes with the pup and before i knew it i was back at work. blah. i spent the last two hours doing random things, story of my life. and then it was 5, yahoo! 

tonight is ripped class, yep kick my trash class. so i am going with my sister in law it should be good, but i will make it. it is always killer and i feel pooped afterward, like i could for sure go to bed but i still have stuff to do. tonight is also the activity for church, we are making yard signs for fathers day in two sundays, that should be interesting and fun i guess. after that i went home and ate dinner and then showered and called it a night. today was just plain exhausting, i feel like most wednesdays are. 


stroganoff (leftovers!)

hot dog

until tomorrow friends..


.. and it is off to the races ..

tuesday. we made it through monday, barely. yesterday was exhausting, i was pooped and had allergies to boot. what a day. alright so here is what went down today.

today i woke up on time, yay for me. i was so sore, but i didn't work out. turns out my cute little puppy had decided to run a dream race all along my back, lovely. i am so sore. i got ready for work and dressed and made it to work. i decided i would tackle the product room one last time before the new shipment makes it in. i had to organize the cardstock. we have 120 colors, yeah fun. so it took from 9 until 1 to clean it all up and out and get things in the right places. hallelujah. after this i got back to my desk to find 11 emails waiting for me. so i caught up and made some appointments and what not, and then it was time for lunch. yum.

i left for home, and had lunch with my pup. he is pretty dang cute. we played a little outside and then ate, then he napped. i love him. then it was time to go, it comes way to fast i tell you. i hate work sometimes. i got back to work and didn't have much to do to pass the last hour and a half. so i watched charmed and just caught up on my people celebrity gossip. after i got done with work it was home, and get laundry ready and then change for the gym. it is trainer day, and legs. yeah. i rather do legs than arms but nevertheless my back is sore and this is going to prove to be difficult. 

here is what happened..

{TRX Band planks 30 second front, 20 second each side, repeat 2 times}

{squats with TRX band (20), lunges with 10 lb weight (10 each leg) repeat 3 times}

{seated calf raise (15), seated calf extension (15) repeat 4 times}

{laying leg press (15), seated leg press (15), single leg squat on rolling pad (10 ea), repeat 4 times}

{5 minute sprint, 20 second hard 40 second cool down}

{TRX band squats (20), pushups (10) repeat 3 times}

{quickstep (12 ea), single leg sitting squat (10 ea) repeated 3 times}

{30 crunches, 30 russian twist, 30 second dead cockroach repeat 3 times}

after the gym i went home and finished laundry and hung out with the hubs and the pups. i love spending time with them. it is great. we just vegged and then called it a night. and of course i read. :) 

here is what i ate

2 pieces of toast


salad wedge

see you tomorrow friends, for hump day!


.. monday monday, you are lame..

alright so here is how day one of the week went down. i have to just reinforce the idea, i hate Mondays. 

i woke up today around 6:30 and just knew that i didn't want to get up. so i laid there until 7. yep i was that lazy today. i got up and showered and got ready for the day, not a great outfit or even looking pretty but i really just don't care. i made it to work and sat in the meeting. we just chatted and played a few rounds of bananagrams. it was pretty fun i guess. then it was down to work. i emailed people and caught up on stuff and then i had to get stuff ready for the sales meeting today. i don't really love doing it, but that is alright that and the server at work just doesn't want to stay open. issue. i spent most of the morning doing that and researching the cruise and how to help our pup deal with his allergies. poor guy. i feel bad. after i did all this and caught up it was lunch. i drove home and ate, and then went to the mac store to pick up my computer. i have missed not having it here and having to do things on my lap top. lame. i got back to work around 3:30 and got started on a very overwhelming job of sorting through the card stock racks. yeah. 

i finished work at 5 and went home. i didn't want to gym today, so i took the pup on a walk instead and then we hit up the pet store in hopes of getting some shampoos and vitamins to help his allergies. we went home and just were for the night, had dinner and went to bed. hopefully tomorrow will be better.

here is what got in my belly

granola bar

beef taquitos

mac and cheese


.. its that time of the week again ..

back from the weekend. I can't say that I am excited to see all of you, sorry. I am not a big fan of Mondays. they just take a lot out of me and i just plain don't want to be there. sad but true. so here is what happened this weekend.

Friday night we went and saw the hangover 2 with some friends of the hubs. it was pretty funny, but kind of disappointing. It was pretty much the exact same movie as the first one, just substituted people in other peoples places. irritating. after this we went to Terra Mia, a local pizza bar, and got a thin crust pizza. not too bad. then we went home and went to bed, the hub had work at 7 in salt lake the next morning. 

Saturday i woke up around 8:30 and got the pup up. we ate breakfast, him kibbles me french toast, and took our time getting ready to go to the vet. we packed up and went to the vet at 10:30. we got there and checked in and the vet saw us. he got his rabies shot and last puppy booster. he did so great, didn't even yelp this time. we talked about allergies for a second, i don't think the vet believes me which is uber irritating. so i am taking matters into my own hands. we will figure this one out. we then went and got puppy food at the store and went home so i could work on my lesson before the hubs got home. i got a little into it and he came home and my sister in law and brother showed up so we could book our cruise. we are doing it! we are going to the southern Caribbean in august. it will be great! after we booked it, the hub and i had plans to clean out the storage unit. so we left and spent the next 4 hours looking through boxes, getting everything cleaned up and nice and then back into the unit. we did find 2 boxes full of canned foods and dry food packages, um gross. they expired in 2007. after we cleaned all that up we went home and mowed the lawn, and then had dinner on the patio with my parents. nothing too exciting, just taco time. we showered up and got ready for bed and i finished working on my lesson. like predicted, it was like 12am. sad. 

Sunday i got up and got ready for church, fed the munchkin and was off. we had a good lesson, we played jeopardy, it was fun even with 2 girls. after that i came home and had lunch and fed the doggy. and wouldn't you know it my hub was home. it was great, he took a nap and i went to choir practice, no i don't have a great voice but i like to sing and i can there and not sound retarded. after that i went home and made my father in law home made oreos, which he loves and we left to visit them. we hung out there for a bit and talked about life and what nots, and then went back home for the big family dinner at my house. we ate on the patio again, i love this great weather. after that we cleaned up, watched the tail end of the Miami heat and Dallas mavericks game. it was pretty good and then me and my hub decided to watch shutter island, pretty good yet trippy. i was so lost for about the whole movie and even after i couldn't really decide what i should really follow. i of course stayed up and read in my book, an addiction issue of mine and then called it a night. 

this week is going to be long i fear, let us pray we survive. 


.. survival is the word of the day ..

we made it too the weekend, and not a day too soon either. you really do need 4 day work weeks after a vacation, i am convinced. today was like any other day except my alarm clock retardation. yes to last night i was texting my sister in law about and up coming trip we are planning, a cruise yipee!, and i forgot to set my alarm. brilliant right? i thought so. so this is how i survived.

i woke up around 6:11 and was convinced that i just needed until like 6:30 and then i would get up, little did i know that my alarm clock would not be assisting in this matter. so i rolled over and went back to bed. and then it happened. i startled awake and in a panic, what time is it?!?! why yes it is 7:37 and i have to be at work by 8. love my life. i jump out of bed, straight to the shower, quickly lather and rinse - no promises that everything got clean today - and then back in the room to get ready. put on my face, quickly and added a few curls to my already naturally wavy hair and then dressed. i left the house at 8:15. what? the insanity. it was intense. i got to work already feeling behind, as i am sure you know. so i rushed through the morning tasks in hopes to completing everything. then i had to take my poor computer to the doctor, it wont' accept disks the lame thing. so i dropped that off and on my way back picked up lunch since i knew going home was definitely out today. i got back to work and had to figure out how to make my laptop connect to the Internet. about a 20 minute phone call later with the it guy and it was fixed. i then had my lunch at my desk, yum and continued on working. today was a girls birthday, she wanted Popsicles so i went to go get those. after we celebrated, i finished up what i could for the day and then called it a night. 

tonight we decided to use the groupon fandango tickets we had to go and see the hangover 2. fun times. i like going on dates with my hun and even better when you get to laugh too. we got home and called it a night, he has work at 7 in salt lake tomorrow, so early to bed for him..

i hope you have a good weekend, this is what we have planned

taking the puppy to get his rabies shot kind of scared for that one.. 
cleaning the storage unit out and organizing in preparation for a garage sale. 
prepare my church lesson, yep probably will do that one at midnight on saturday
make homemade oreos for my father in law who had surgery this week
visit the in laws and spend time with the family.

have a good one, see you on monday!


.. arm hell, yes i did just go there ..

alright, so i will say this. my mood improved drastically with a little bit of sleep and don't you worry i went to bed early just to make sure this little issue resolved itself. thank heavens for that. today was kind of weird, this whole week feels off because it is only 4 days. it always does stuff with my head. 

so i got up and made it to work on time. yay me. i got here and decided i would finish tackling the product room that had been haunting me for the past few days. so i went to work. i got everything put away and in it's place, hallelujah. after i got all that cleaned up, i started to tackle the little projects in my way still like gathering samples for a sales trip and making a few mockups and sending off ribbon. junk basically. i worked on it for a while and then went and had lunch. it was good to just be with the pup. i like our quality alone time. it is grand. after we did this i left for work and stopped to pick up supplies that were requested i got. so i did that and then made it back to work. fun. after all this goodness, i powered through the last hour and was off. today was another trainer day like tuesday, yippee. so i got my spandex on and settled and started a load of laundry and was off. here is what my butt endured..

{50 crunches, 50 bicycles}

{jumping pull ups (50), one handed squat press (50), overhead squat press (50), pushups (50)}

arms take 2
{seated rows (50), seated lat pull down (50), tricep pulls (50), seated crunches (50), triceps (50)}

seeing a trend yet ? ..

arms / abs
{turkish getups (15 each side), crunches (50), bicycle (50)}

{back extensions (12) repeated 4 times}

arms / abs
{laying chest press (50), overhead triceps (50), v-ups (50), obliques (40 each side), leg lifts (50)}

done. i was done, like stick a fork in me. killer. 

after the gym i went home and checked out the garden we are planting. we have a few tomato plants going and a few pumpkin and squash plants growing. nothing has come of them yet but it is early yet. after this we opted to take the pup on a walk on his favorite trail, and help him overcome his fear of a caged german shepherd. so we did, it took us about 45 minutes. and i am proud to say that he did indeed overcome his fear! after the walk we had dinner, finished laundry, cleaned the bathroom and then called it a night. talk about a long day. phew. here is what i ate

2 slices of toast

1/2 steak
1 cup potatoes
1 c broccoli

mac and cheese 

i think i might be really sore tomorrow, guess we will see. yikes. 


.. i'm a grouch. pardon me ..

alright, so i survived monuesday. it was terrible though i tell you what. I hate coming back to work after a vacation. especially one in which i did nothing for 3 days. yum. and remember that little fun fact that i stayed up until 1 in the morning, yeah that is going to play a part in today..

so i woke up, i could sense the grouchyness already. it was going to be a rough day. trust me on that one. so i got up and stomped to the shower. i took a quick one and was back out by 7:12. not to bad. i got my hair ready and my face on, which did need extra help in the eye department today those pesky dark circles. after getting ready i went upstairs to grab my breakfast for the road, because i took my time getting ready. so i was grumpy i was running late. i was looking forward to biscuits for breakfast, you know the homemade ones i made.. yeah i was excited, maybe that will cheer me up. but you know what i found, yep a nice empty ziploc bag with crumbs of what was the biscuits. great. add a brick of grump. so i was off to work with my two slices of toast that i was pissed about. and then i got stuck behind a diesel train of trucks i think they were out to get me and it made me a good 5 minutes late to work. yeah. add another. i got into work and discovered that i had a huge project in front of me. at work we have like a mini store, so vendors can come and see what it would all look like set up and what not, my job was to pull down all the discontinued products and box them up and then place the new items up and make sure it is clean and organized. that is a big job for one person in fact i am pretty sure it will take me a day or two to get it finished. so i add another brick and suck it up and off to endure the hell. i spent until lunch in there and then went home for lunch. upon getting home, i found my sister who i am in a mini fight with. i keep inviting her to the gym, she tells me she will come and then flakes and tells my mom she won't make it, not even me!! i am not speaking to her, so add another brick. i finished lunch and left to go pick up birthday treats for a coworker, one of my many jobs. he wanted cupcakes. so i drove to the sweet tooth fairy, which if you are in the provo area i recommend, and pick out 13 cupcakes. you get a bakers dozen. i go to pay with my bosses corporate card, and it is denied. he forgot to turn in his receipts yet again. add another brick, so i go get my card and pay for it, yet another brick. i drive the long way back so i can cool off. i get to work we sing happy birthday eat a cupcake, yes i had one it was that kind of a day, and go back to my hell hole. i finish up around 5. now during the day my sister in law texted me about going to a class. it is called ripped and it kicks your trash.  i wasn't sure i would make it on time but she really wanted me to go, so i changed, stomped out to the car and went and endured the hour long class of intensity. i felt better afterward, but not 100% me. after the class it was off to my church activity, yes i went in gym clothes. turns out i didn't have to be there i guess cause the other leaders were missing but it was too late i was stuck. so i stayed and held an infant while they taught the girls about CPR for girls camp this summer. great. 

i got home and decided to shower and bathe the dog. he kind of stunk. after this then i got to eat dinner. yes 9:30. after eating i was already starting to get sore, not a good sign and grumped my way off to bed. i read a chapter and called it a night. 

here is what i ate

2 slices of toast

1/2 steak
1/2 c mashed potato
1/2 c squash

chicken pot pie

let us all pray that tomorrow is better. 

love the grouch.


.. monuesday - yes it is a day in my world ..

well tuesday wasn't as bad as i thought, it was worse. i hate coming back to work after a vacation. all you want to do is sleep and not be at your desk staring at a computer and solving everyone's issues and of course the even more pressing one like when you get off work and how many more hours you have to wait. painful. 

today started with a early wake up call. that dang alarm clock just doesn't understand that i want my sleep. argh. so we were up. i got ready and grabbed a bit of breakfast and was out the door on my way to work. it started with the weekly meeting where we regale everyone with our stories of the weekend, go over assignments and then end with some sort of fun times. we did bananagrams today. great game. try it. after the meeting i jumped in to another ribbon project, hunting down missing older than snot ribbons. fun times. i listened to a podcast, very enlightening, on stress while i chopped the ribbons and placed them in perfectly straight lines to be photographed for the catalogs. i then followed it up with just reading on news websites and catching up on the news i had missed the past 3 days. by then it was lunch. hallelujah. i had a baked potato, gotta love leftovers. i topped it with a bit of butter, cheese, ham, mushrooms salt and pepper and a side of steamed squash. after lunch it was back to the grind. i dealt with a few printers solved world hunger, i'm not telling, and what nots. i finished up around 5 phew. i survived. but it was also a trainer day today. oh yes this monuesday (monday and tuesday smashed) could get worse. so it was off.. here is what went down.

{up down planks (12), planks (60 sec hold), crunches (30), russian twists (30), plank hip twists (20), plank (30 sec hold) repeated 2 times}

{machine squats (50), free standing squats (50), quick steps (25 each leg), sled presses (50), sitting presses (50)}

{5:00 - 20 seconds on high 40 second low}

legs / arms
{single hand row (8 ea side), row squats (12), leg lifts on bench (20), single hand lunges (10 ea leg) repeat 2 times}

legs / calves
{calf raises (50), seated calf raises (50), leg curls (50), leg extension (50), seated calf extension (50)}

{suspended abs (15), back extensions with 10 lb weight (15), 2 min sprint on high}

i followed this up by a shower, eating dinner - steak, a baked potato, squash and broccoli - and then just being with the hubs. bed as usual and i my sad attempt to finish the same chapter i have been reading over for the past 3 nights, which i did finish. and instead of going to bed, my hubs started into the blue at 10:30, and with my addiction issue to movies i stayed up and watched the whole thing, yep until 1am. shoot me. i am just too tired i tell you. 

until tomorrow my loves.